Math is for the Future

Mission Statement

This Module is targeted towards the undergrad female students with Major ( and Minor) in mathematics, There are four lines of activities:

  • Special weekends introduce students to contemporary important themes in mathematics, allow them to meet scientific leaders, mentors and role models who will inspire them to the further study of mathematics, encourage them to start collaboration with fellow students, and increase their network for future employment.
  • A special series of meeting entitled: “I major in Math, what do I do today”. The students meet women who majored in math in the past, and currently engaged different sectors of Industry and public service. in Banking, Cyber, Space and more.
  • Extra Curriculum activities including networking events with business women in the community, social events with interested members of the larger University community, and visits museums, HQ of industries ect .These activities help the students to establish connection with companies for future employment to math graduates
  • Mentoring and mentees, Internships opportunities.



In this new WIMSA sub program, we will hold Get together events with women that majored in math, and plan for future endevours.


Math and Business Day (February 4, 2024)


Math and Finance  (September 22, 2024)
Panel at Schonfeld  (October 26, 2023)
Math in Cyber Security  (Weekend of December 3, 2022)
Letter from the Director   (August 29, 2022)
Celebrating International Day of Women  (March 8, 2022)
Playing with Braids Weekend Workshop  (November 12 - 14, 2021)
Mathematics & Biomedicine  (January 30, 2020)
