WIMSA - Advancing Women in Mathematics Across the Americas

International Day of Mathematics
Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava

WIMSA – Advancing Women in Mathematics Across the Americas

Mission Statement

WIMSA, Advancing Women in Mathematics Across the Americas, is an initiative at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Miami in collaboration with the Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas (IMSA) of the University of Miami. It is a major multi-year program to promote and advance women in Mathematics, in the University of Miami, in the county of Miami-Dade, and across the Americas.

The ongoing mission of WIMSA is to empower women and girls in mathematics at every stage of their educational development. The mission is multi-level, starting at the high school level and ranging all the way to academia and knowledge-based industries.

Mathematics plays a major role in the information-based era, in the employment of the future, and in improving the welfare of the society in general. The lasting legacy of WIMSA will be increasing the STEM education and research at the University in the digital era, the creation of opportunities and a pipeline for future recruitment for women and positioning the University of Miami as an international leader of this important goal of integrating women into mathematics.


  • Build a system that will facilitate an opportunity for public and private high-school female students to take advanced mathematics courses
  • Increase the number of female undergraduates enrolled in mathematics – both major and minor, and increase female participation in mathematically intensive graduate programs
  • Mentor female students in mathematics, on career opportunities in knowledge-based industries and in high-tech, and help them connect to such industries
  • Broaden the diversity and representation of female-identifying scholars in mathematics departments, from postdoctoral fellows to tenure track positions including at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Miami
  • Raise public awareness to the importance of mathematics for the work of the future and for the welfare of society


Dr. Mina Teicher
WIMSA was envisioned and is led by Dr. Mina Teicher.


Friends of WIMSA

Emily Berlin, Co-chair
Michelle Nicolini, Co-chair

Math and Business Lecture Day

Math and Business Lecture Day  (February 4, 2024)

Math and Business Lecture Day, is co-organized by the Institute for Mathematics of the Americas, by the Herbert Business School, and by WIMSA - Advancing Women Mathematics Across the Americas. 

It will highlight the role of mathematics for the business world - in particular for Logistic and Supply Chain, Genetic Engineering for Agriculture, and Finance. Each session will include Q&A.

SURFER Competition

SURFER Competition  (February 1, 2024 - October 1, 2024)
Welcome to the SURFER competition at WIMSA, in the University of Miami! We are looking for the most interesting and beautiful images of algebraic surfaces generated with the program SURFER.


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