Dates: February 27 - March 2, 2023
Location: Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia
Organizers: Bernardo Uribe, Rafael Gonzalez, Georg Biedermann
To share and disseminate the latest developments in the use and applications of higher structures in the different areas of mathematics and physics.
On this occasion we will pay attention to the interplay between topological and geometrical invariants with the classification of crystals in condensed matter physics.
This is the second workshop on Higher Structures in Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Physics to take place in Barranquilla. The first workshop took place in 2019 (see here).
Research groups "Grupo de Investigación Interinstitucional en Geometría y Topología" and "Grupo de investigación en física aplicada"
Institute partnership between Universidad del Norte, Universidad Nacional de Colombia campus Medellín and Greifswald University, supported by the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation.
Institute of Mathematical Sciences of the Americas IMSA and the IMSAC Consortium.
Erik Backelin*, Mathematics, Universidad de los Andes
Georg Biedermann, Mathematics, Universidad del Norte
Jaider Blanco, Mathematics, Universidad del Norte
Alexander Cardona*, Mathematics, Universidad de los Andes
Giuseppe de Nittis*, Mathematics and Physics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Hugo Garcia Compean*, Physics, CINEVSTAV, México
César Galindo*, Mathematics, Universidad de los Andes
José Manuel Gómez*, Mathematics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia campus Medellín
Rafael González, Physics, Universidad del Norte
Juan Gabriel Ramírez*, Physics, Universidad de los Andes
Andrés Reyes*, Physics, Universidad de los Andes
Bernardo Uribe, Mathematics, Universidad del Norte
Mario Velásquez*, Mathematics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia campus Bogotá
Konrad Waldorf, Mathematics, Greifswald University
Miguel Xicoténcatl, Mathematics, CINVESTAV, México
*To be confirmed.
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