The study of the moduli spaces of algebraic curves and coherent sheaves, and their induced invariants over ambient complex kahler varieties of complex dimension 2, 3 and higher, has been a central source of focus for mathematicians in the past 50 years, due to their profound connections to geometry, topology, number theory as well as fruitful contributions to superstring theory. The course aims at introducing these topics and provides discussion of computations of Gromov-Witten and Donaldson-Thomas invariants of complex algebraic varieties.
Artan Sheshmani is a pure mathematician and an expert in algebraic geometry. His work is mainly focused on Gromov Witten theory, Donaldson Thomas theory, Calabi-Yau geometries, and mathematical aspects of String theory. In his research he has worked on understanding dualities between geometry of such moduli spaces over complex varieties of dimension 2,3,4 and currently he is working on extension of these projects from derived geometry and geometric representation theory point of view. Recently in joint work with Shing-Tung Yau, Cody Long and Cumrun Vafa, he worked on geometry moduli spaces of sheaves with non-homolomorphic support and their associated non-BPS (non-holomorphic) counting invariants.
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