ICMS Summer-Autumn 2021 Seminars
Dr. Ludmil Katzarkov
Spectra and Applications Part III
Friday, July 30th, 2021, 9:00am (4:00pm Sofia)
Via Zoom
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Abstract: This is a survey course on the relation of the invariants of 3 manifolds and singularity theory. Using the theory of differential equations we relate classical 3-dimensional theory with modern category theory. Applications to Birational geometry and uniformization will be discussed.
This event is organized by the International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia (ICMS-Sofia). To view more information regarding this seminar, click here.
ICMS Summer-Autumn 2021 Seminars
Dr. Josef Svoboda
Spectra and Applications Part II
Friday, July 30th, 2021, 8:00am (3:00pm Sofia)
Via Zoom
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Abstract: This is a survey course on the relation of the invariants of 3 manifolds and singularity theory. Using the theory of differential equations we relate classical 3-dimensional theory with modern category theory. Applications to Birational geometry and uniformization will be discussed.
This event is organized by the International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia (ICMS-Sofia). To view more information regarding this seminar, click here.
ICMS Summer-Autumn 2021 Seminars
Dr. Josef Svoboda
Spectra and Applications Part I
Thursday, July 29th, 2021, 8:00am (3:00pm Sofia)
Via Zoom
Click here to view video
Abstract: This is a survey course on the relation of the invariants of 3 manifolds and singularity theory. Using the theory of differential equations we relate classical 3-dimensional theory with modern category theory. Applications to Birational geometry and uniformization will be discussed.
This event is organized by the International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia (ICMS-Sofia). To view more information regarding this seminar, click here.
IMSA Seminar
Dr. Daniel Pomerleano
University of Massachusetts
Semi-Affineness of Wrapped Invariants on Affine Log Calabi-Yau Varieties
Friday February 26th, 2021, 4:00pm
Via Zoom
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Abstract A general expectation in mirror symmetry is that the mirror partner to an affine log Calabi-Yau variety is "semi-affine" (meaning it is proper over its affinization). We will discuss how the semi-affineness of the mirror can be seen directly as certain finiteness properties of Floer theoretic invariants of X (the symplectic cohomology and wrapped Fukaya category). As an application of these finiteness results, we will show that for maximally degenerate log Calabi-Yau varieties equipped with a "homological section," the wrapped Fukaya of X gives an (intrinsic) categorical crepant resolution of the affine variety Spec(SH^0(X)).
This is based on joint work with Sheel Ganatra (https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.03609) and further work in progress.
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